Mark Willoughby, MD
- Accepting new patients
- Please call the office directly to make an appointment or to verify insurance eligibility
- Dermatology
Board Certification
- Dermatology
Dermatology & Laser Center of San Diego
344 F St.,Phone: 619-229-0361
Suite 200
Chula Vista, CA 91910
Fax: 619-287-2121
Dermatology & Laser Center of San Diego
4060 4th Ave.,Phone: 619-776-3892
Suite 209
San Diego, CA 92103
Fax: 619-298-9591
Dermatology & Laser Center of San Diego
6386 Alvarado Court,Phone: 619-229-0361
Suite 205
San Diego, CA 92120
Fax: 619-287-2121
Biographical Details
Age: 53
Gender: Male
Hospital Affiliations
Hospital Affiliation
- Sharp Chula Vista Medical Center
- Medical School: Ohio State University School of Medicine
- Internship: Kaiser Permanente Medical Center (Northern California)
- Residency: Cook County Hospital
Insurances Accepted
Insurances Accepted
AetnaAetna ACO
Anthem Blue CrossHMO
Blue Shield
Health NetHMO
Health Net Seniority Plus
Secure Horizons
Sharp Health PlanSharp Health Plan Medicare Advantage
UnitedHealthcare Medicare Advantage